Preschool and Kindergarten » Preschool Program

Preschool Program

St. Michael Catholic School’s Preschool program lays the foundation for our youngest students spiritually, academically, and  socially. Children grow in a nurturing, loving, faith-filled learning environment providing time for them to develop basic skills. Our program follows a developmentally-appropriate curriculum combined with a Catholic background in which the child learns that God loves him/her and has made him/her a special person.
Preschool Program
St. Michael Catholic School preschool is a school-year program running from September through May.
  • Three-year-old preschool is in session three days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The half-day morning program is from 8:10 AM - 11:00 AM. This preschool program is offered for children who will be three years old by September 1 in the year that they are enrolled.
  • Four-year-old preschool is in session five days, Monday through Friday. Both half-day morning (8:10 AM - 11 AM) and full-day (8:10 AM - 2:50 PM) programs are available. This preschool program is offered for children who will be four years old by September 1 in the year that they are enrolled.
An Extended Day Program is also offered for full-day students. Starting for the 2022/2023 school year, the morning Extended Day Program will be available for all four-year-old preschool students. The afternoon Extended Day Program is available for only full-day students.
St. Michael Catholic School prepares our preschool students for kindergarten readiness. The goals of our classrooms are to achieve the following:
  • Provide a safe and loving atmosphere in which the child can separate from home to school and advocate for his/her own needs while in school.
  • Develop a knowledge of self, others, and the child’s environment.
  • Promote independence and responsibility in the classroom.
  • Encourage choice-making, cooperation, and consideration.
  • Provide different activities and materials that will stimulate each child’s growth in all areas: Language, Math, Reading, Writing, Religion, Large and Fine Motor Skills, Fine Arts, Construction, and Dramatic Play.
Three-Year-Old Curriculum
The three-year-old preschool curriculum focuses on socialization and independent development, fine and gross motor skills, and abilities. We will also focus on an introduction to color sorting, shape identification, letter and number recognition, letter sounds, name recognition, basic patterns, counting, science, and social studies lessons. 
The religion curriculum is God Made Everything. The program offers a whole-child approach that helps children grow in relationship with God through lessons, music, fingerplays, drawing, quiet time-time prayer, and reflection activities suited to the developmental needs of early learners. The program will introduce and explore seasons, holy days, and holidays. We will use colors, shapes, and numbers Big Book to make additional cross-curricular connections while teaching essential faith concepts. The children will make the Sign of the Cross and recite simple prayers.
Four-Year-Old Curriculum
The four-year-old preschool curriculum is Get Set for School, an award-winning Pre-K curriculum. It is developmentally appropriate and designed so that all children can thrive and build a strong foundation for kindergarten. Get Set for School includes three complete programs: Readiness & Writing, Language & Literacy, and Numbers & Math. The religion curriculum is Seeds – What the Church Believes and Teaches.