Confirmation » Confirmation


We have postponed our Sacrament of First Holy Communion and our Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Michael, but we will absolutely be celebrating these sacraments with our second graders and eighth graders, respectively, as well as their friends and family in the future.
Those students who wish to be Confirmed are invited to enroll in the Confirmation Preparation Program. Following are the requirements for the program:
  • Application
  • Kickoff Meeting
  • Rite of Welcome
  • Service Hours
  • Confirmation Name and Saint Report
  • Confirmation Sponsor
  • Candidate Letter
  • Retreat
  • Confirmation Night
Those students who wish to be Confirmed are invited to enroll in the Confirmation Preparation Program. Following are the requirements for the program:
  • Application
  • Kickoff Meeting
  • Rite of Welcome
  • Service Hours
  • Confirmation Name and Saint Report
  • Confirmation Sponsor
  • Candidate Letter
  • Retreat
  • Confirmation Night
An application for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be passed out at the kick-off meeting. There is a $25 Sacrament fee to be submitted with the application. The cost of the retreat is included in this fee.

All candidates along with his or her sponsor must attend the Rite of Welcome on Sunday, February 23, 2020 from 12 PM -3 PM. The afternoon will include Mass at Noon, lunch, faith sharing activity, and talk, and conclude with practice for Confirmation in the church. This is a special day planned for the candidate and sponsor to spend together. Parents and siblings are welcome to attend the Mass only.
Each candidate is required to use his or her gifts and talents to help those in need. It is not enough to know one's faith. Putting that faith into practice is also important. Eighth grade students will need to fulfill ten hours of service per semester. Students are encouraged to perform a variety of service opportunities throughout the course of the school year.
Service Logs

Each candidate will be responsible for choosing a Confirmation name and writing a detailed report on the life of the Saint whose name was chosen. Ideally, the candidate should choose his or her present baptismal name if it is the name of a recognized saint. It demonstrates a continual growth from Baptism through Confirmation. Choosing a new name would symbolize a new beginning and a connection with that particular saint. The name should represent the direction you feel your faith life is going, or would represent a strength or attribute you feel you need. A Saint's name should not be chosen because of the attractiveness of the name, but because of the attractiveness of the Christian life that the person led. Details on the report will be given in religion class.

Candidates must choose a Confirmation sponsor to help them with their faith journey and to act as a witness to their commitment to Christ and the Catholic Church. The sponsor should be someone who is able to spend time with the candidate to help them grow in the spiritual, educational and service realm of their Confirmation prep. The sponsor must be present at the Rite of Welcome meeting and be present at the Confirmation on Mass. Please do not choose someone who cannot fulfill these requirements. Stand-ins are not acceptable.

One of the ways candidates will be assessed in the preparation of the Sacrament will be through a formal letter written by the candidate. The purpose of the letter is for the candidate to convey his/her knowledge of and desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The red Confirmation folder contains an instruction sheet that details the specifics of the letter.

Candidates and their sponsors will meet in the cafeteria at 6:30 pm. Students must wear their Sunday best (dresses, dress shirt and tie). A suit jacket is not required. Gowns will be worn over their attire during the Mass. The Mass typically last about 1 and 1/2 hours. Immediately following the Confirmation Mass, there will be a cake and punch reception in the cafeteria. The Bishop and priests will be available for pictures. No pictures are allowed during the Mass.