Altar Servers » Altar Servers

Altar Servers

Altar Servers minister to either the Priest or Deacon during Liturgies such as (e.g., Mass, Confirmation) or devotional worship services (e.g., Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Stations). Any boy in the parish, 4th grade through 12th grade, is eligible to be an altar server.
Being an Altar Server
Characteristics of a Server
  • Desire to serve the Lord
  • Commitment to duties
  • Punctuality
  • Desire to actively participate in the Mass
  • Respectful attitude at Mass
  • Is a member of a family that regularly attends Mass at St. Michael the Archangel Church
  • BEFORE MASS: Sign in, put on cassock and surplice, light the candles, and take the gifts to the back of church
  • DURING MASS: Altar Servers carry the processional cross and candles, hold the sacramentary for opening/closing prayer, prepare the altar for the offerings, assist the priest when he receives the gifts from the people, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, assist the priest when he washes his hands, and clear the altar after Communion.
  • Servers can chose either the 5 PM Mass on Saturday or 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon Mass on Sunday. If members of the server?s family are lectors or Eucharistic ministers, servers can be assigned for the same Mass.
  • Assignments are emailed from the Parish Office. School families can also download the schedule from the PlusPortals Altar Servers group.
  • When unable to serve as scheduled, servers need to find a substitute.
  • Assignment at Saturday/Sunday Masses, four altar servers are needed.
  • Training is provided by the parish priest(s), usually in spring or fall.
How to Become an Altar Server
Contact the Parish Office if you are interested or for more details.