Grade 1 Curriculum
Curriculum Overview
Curricular Goals
Students in 1st Grade will:
- Introduce the Old Testament Salvation History
- Explore the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Define the Mystery of the Holy Spirit
- Learn about the history of the Church
- Discover the tradition of honoring Mary our Mother
Text and Materials
- Our Heavenly Father, Faith and Life series (Ignatius Press)
- Catholic Bible for Children (Catholic Book Publishing Corp.)
- Empowering God's Children
- Revealed: God's Plan for the Human Person (Ruah Woods)
- Saints and Religious Figures Mini Books
Curricular Goals
Students in 1st Grade will:
- Introduce daily opportunities to express and share thoughts, feelings, and ideas through writing
- Introduce and reinforce strategies for phonics and decoding
- Reinforce recognition of sight words
- Build connections with new vocabulary words
- Explore informational text, particularly within the content areas of science and social studies
- Generate enthusiasm and appreciation for reading
Text and Materials
- Reading A-Z leveled books
- F.A.S.T. Phonics Program
- Raz-Kids
- HMH Reading Series
Curricular Goals
Students in 1st Grade will:
- Introduce concepts of spelling
- Form letters correctly
- Write various types of texts
- Produce and distribute a variety of writing
- Research to build and present knowledge
- Present oral and visual ideas
Text and Materials
- Wordsmith: Connecting Spelling and Writing to Word Study
- Writing Our Catholic Faith
- Writing Journal
- Weekly Writer's Workshop packets
Curricular Goals
Students in 1st Grade will:
- Reinforce number sense (reading, counting, writing, sequencing)
- Develop addition and subtraction strategies
- Introduce whole number relationships, including place value and grouping by tens and ones
- Introduce attributes of geometric shapes
- Introduce linear measurements and practice measuring lengths
- Introduce time as a unit of measurement and practice telling time
- Explore the concept of money
- Interpret data using graphs
Text and Materials
- Sadlier Math
- BrainPop
- Math Manipulatives
Curricular Goals
Students in 1st Grade will:
- Understand the inquiry process, inquiry analysis and communication, reflection, and social implications
- Observe the properties of light and sound waves
- Use tools and materials to design and build a device that uses light or sound to solve the problem of
communicating over a distance - Recognize how plants and animals use biomimicry to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs
- Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted
- Review the engineering design process
Text and Materials
- A World In Motion; Engineering Inspired by Nature
- BrainPop Jr.
- Non-Fiction Texts
Social Studies
Curricular Goals
Students in 1st Grade will:
- Understand the past through historical narratives, artifacts, and timelines
- Recognize that maps and globes represent places
- Realize the effects of human-environment interactions
- Discern values and principles of American constitutional democracy and the role of a citizen
- Comprehend economic activity in a market economy by distinguishing between wants and needs vs. goods and services
Text and Materials
- BrainPop Jr.
- Bite-Size Social Studies
- Non-Fiction texts
Students is 1st Grade are enrolled in the following specials classes.
- Art
- Computers
- Music
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Library
Events and Experiences
Field Trips
Featured Projects
- The Hundredth Day of School celebration
- 5th Grade Buddy Easter Egg Hunt
- Resurrection Egg Project
- Secret Santa and Ornament Exchange
- Animal Research Project and Biomimicry Invention
- Historical Figure Research Project
- Adopt-a-Gourd
- AWIM Pinball Game Project